01. The Missing Boy
Date: 2018-12-28
Players: Chris, John, Tim
Notes: Completed character creation and mission 1.
Characters: Arladon, Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Kali Azra (innkeeper), Talas and Lia (farmers), Toras (missing son), Hana (Toras' best friend)
Background Information
The city of Telstar is in divided between those who supports the Red Shield and those who would like to see someone from the Queen's lineage back on the throne (although no one is certain who that would be). Bard's wife died twelve years previous in a riot between the two factions. The heated confrontations are becoming common place. Arladon's father continues to fight to make a place for his family in the high nobility of the city, seemingly uninterested in the conflict. Roenick's mentor passed away a few months ago, leaving his ward with a house and almost no money. Bard is struggling against his depression and addiction, unable to find and keep work.
Harmony 10, Year 810
- Three unlikely companions (Arladon, Roenick and Bard) find themselves in front of a billboard at the inn of Ali Azra. They decide to answer the request for help from Talas, a farmer who's son has gone missing (reward: 5gp).
- Bard has worked on the farm before, offering physical labour in the fields
- Talas is a distant cousin to Saldoras, Roenick's mentor
- Arladon's father owns the property on which the farm is located
- Roenick and Bard rent horses from Kali Azra (3cp each for 1 day), the inn owner, while Arladon goes home to get his own. Roenick stops at the Sanctuary of the Phoenix at the temple of Tyr to ask for a blessing. He is impressed by the power present in the building.
- At the farm, the party talks with Talas, the father. He admits not knowing much about his son's, Toras, daily activities. That said, it's obvious that Toras, the youngest of the family, is well liked and sorely missed. He went missing the previous day. Talas direct the group to Hana, a little girl and Toras' best friend.
- The group meets Hana at her house, a small and run down place. As they arrive, she is drawing symbols in the dirt (Roenick notices the symbols are not random). She says that Toras was suppose to meet her at their hideout the previous day, but did not show up. She accepts to lead the group to where they were supposed to meet.
- As requested, the group returns to Talas to let him know what they found from Hana. Lia does not like Hana and shares her concern that Lia's mother dabbles in forbidden magics. Lia and Talas decide to lend one of their priced possessions to Arladon: a silver arrow.
- Leaving their horses with Talas, the group meet with Hana at her house. The girl is ready for a long hike, with backpack, walking stick and even a long dagger on her belt. Roenick takes a good look at the house, but only sees normal herbs in the window. They learn that Hana is alone, and her mother in the city to sell produce.
- The group reaches the kids hideout, which is located on a high hill with majestic views of the surroundings. There is no sign of Toras. After pressing Hana, she admits that she may know where Toras is, although she is reluctant to lead the group that way.
- Four wild foxes attack the group. Arladon breaks his ankle (2 consecutive natural 1 on AR) and Roenick is gravely injured. Hana says that things are getting worse. She says that a few days previous, a bird attacked a cow. Now, foxes are seemingly attacking without reasons.
- Bard investigates the cave where Hana thinks Toras may be. He surmises that place may have been a ranger's camp at one point. Upon entering the cave, a foul smell assails his sense. The place if drenched in dried blood and the sight is too much for Bard. He returns to the others.
- Upon learning what Bard discovered, Hana runs off toward the cave, Roenick in tow. When he gets to the cave, Roenick finds Hana crying on her knees, something in her hand. When asked, she shows that it is a strand of blond hair: Toras'. Roenick asks Hana to go report back to Bard, while he investigates further. He finds the remains of the boy's body, although the head is missing. He bundles it, and leaves.
- The group decides to go back. The trip is extremely difficult. Arladon can't walk, Roenick is in poor shape, and Bard's addiction gets the better of him. Hana does not say a word and barely waits for the others. They leave her at her house, where her mother stares at them from a window.
- The group gives the remains to Talas, who asks them to leave and come back later for their reward. He is visibly shaken and wants time with his family. The three companions respect his request and under the midnight moon, make their way back toward the city.
Main Quests
- The Missing Boy ( COMPLETED): Find Toras, the missing son of the farmers Talas and Lia.
Side Quests
- The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, more specifically the nature of his visit to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas.
- Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house.
- The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
- The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
- The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so.
- All: +50 XP for completing "The Missing Boy"
- All: +5 XP for good role playing
- Roenick: +1 aura for support offered to farmers and Hana