02. The Bloody Diary

Date: 2019-02-05
Players: Chris, John, Tim


Characters: Arladon, Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Kali Azra (innkeeper), Ali Azra, Talas (farmers), Toras (dead son), Hana (Toras' best friend), Hana's mother, Yamira (grey wizard), Danyla (priestess of Nephythys)

Background Information

The conflict between the White Shield (supporters of the Queen) and the Red Shield (supporters of the Emperor) is escalating. The Red Shield controls the castle, the diamond, the arena, the bridge and main gate, while the White Shield has taken over the House of healing and the Bazaar. The Green Corridor is supposedly neutral territory, but most nobles are in fact supporting the Red Shield (who seems to be winning).
After discovering what happened to the boy Toras, the company of Arladon, Roenick and Bard are back in Telstar, worried about the boy's family and the girl Hana. Bard's struggle with the bottle is getting worse.

Harmony 13, Year 810

Harmony 15, Year 810

Harmony 16, Year 810

Main Quests

Side Quests
