03. The White Marks
Date: 2019-04-23
Players: Chris, John
Characters: Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Hana, Kali Azra (innkeeper), Ali Azra, Talas and Lia (farmers), Yamira (grey wizard), Danyla (priestess of Nephythys), Kébra (Kali's wife), Aldric (blacksmith at bazaar)
Background Information
After discovering that the lead found in the diary points to his family's home, Arladon leaves the others, saying he will investigate on his own... a part of him thinks there must be a mistake. Bard and Roenick reports their discovery back to Yamira.
A few days elapse.
During this time, Yamira continues to work on the diary, unveiling its secrets little by little. Bard makes the decision to joins the Viridian Circle and he is instructed to find Tuntau, a sylvan elf living in the Forest of Wishes. Roenick takes the opportunity to go to the library, but does not find much. He learns that he has two options: he can find a way to gain access to the restricted sections of the library or travel to Val Galdin (home of the largest library in Tilia).
Harmony 19, Year 810
- Bard and Roenick return to the inn and find that Hana is doing much better. She has developed a deep admiration for Yamira and showed interest in magic.
- Yamira explains that the diary talks about four sacrificial sites, all linked in what could be a master incantation. She reinforces her worry that they might have stumbled upon something big. She asks Roenick and Bard to go back to the first site and look for any clue that could help determining the location of the other sites. She provide a memory lamp to capture what they find.
- Kali introduces his wife, Kébra. She is half-elven, has great skills with a bow and offers her help. Hana will also be joining the expedition.
- Roenick and Bard visit Aldric at his shop in the bazaar, purchasing a short sword and a steel rapier. Then, Bard heads to the Viridian Circle to meditate.
Harmony 20, Year 810
- Bard and Roenick meet up with Hana and Kébra at the main gate of Telstar. There, Kébra mentions that it is now tougher to get in and out of the city, as the Red Shield is tightening its grip. Also, the Red Shield has many new members, many of which Roenick does not recognize. He takes note to investigate what is happening with the Red Shield ( new side quest).
- Kébra is of great help, especially in crossing the canyon on the way to the site.
- As they reach the foot of the mountains, the group is attacked by three tainted crows. Everyone, including Hana, is pulled in the fight, which is won without any major injury. Roenick collects the blood of one of the crows, to bring back for analysis.
- The group enters the cave and start looking for clues. Roenick finds a strange white mark behind a table, on the wall. Hana remarks that the table has been moved recently. The cut in the rock is deep and has white puss frothing out. When Roenick touches it with his blade, it seems to eat at the blade. Hana asks to capture the cut with the lamp, but Roenick and Kébra decide to wait.
- The sight of the puss and cut disturbs Kébra to the point that she needs to leave the cave. Bard replaces the table in place, and Hana insists on capturing the cut first. Roenick does so. Hana encourages him to capture the whole room, which he does as well.
- Just as they were about to leave, Roenick's attention is caught by a pile of dirt. As he sweeps it aside with his hand, pain lances through his small finger. Under the dirt appears a second white cut, this time in the floor. Froth rapidly appears at the end of Roenick finger. Kébra is back, but still shaken. After a few moments, the group realizes that dirt seems to neutralize the froth on Roenick's finger. They wrap it in dirt and a piece of cloth.
- Hana asks Roenick to capture the second cut with the memory lamp, but he refuses, now injured and weakened. The group heads back...
Main Quests
The White Marks ( COMPLETED): Find pointers to the other sacrificial sites.
Side Quests
The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, more specifically the nature of his visit to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas. Investigate secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house.
The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
The Red Shield (Bard): There are new faces at the main gate; investigate what is happening to the Red Shield.
The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so.
- All: +50 XP for completing "The White Marks"
- All: +5 XP for defeating feral crows.
- Roenick: +5 XP for discovering that his mentor has a secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
- Bard: +1 Aura for joining the Viridian Circle.