04. The Abandoned Guard Tower
Date: 2019-05-07
Players: Chris, John, Tim
Characters: Arladon, Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Hana, Kali Azra (innkeeper), Ali Azra, Talas and Lia (farmers), Yamira (grey wizard), Danyla (priestess of Nephythys), Kébra (Kali's wife)
Background Information
The feud between the Emperor and the Queen is escalating.
When he finds a second diary in his father's office, Arladon finally comes to grip with his father's involvement in the events related to the demise of the boy Talas and the sacrificial site. He decides to share his findings with Yamira and the others.
Following the injury to his finger, Roenick cannot sleep during the night, being plagued by drowsiness and visions of high dark rocky mountains floating in a black fog.
Harmony 21, Year 810
- Arladon, Bard and Roenick returns to the inn. Arladon looks dispirited, Roenick tired and Bard unsettled. Yamira takes the memory lamp and watches the captured images three times. What she sees worries her and she strongly recommend bringing the whole matter to someone higher in the Synod. Roenick objects at first, but understands how dire the situation is getting. He accepts and Yamira leaves. Kébra is present, but barely participates to the discussion. Finally, Kali arrives and leads the group to the top room of the inn.
- Yamira is waiting with Ali Azra in the room. After a few moment, a large explosion tears reality apart and a large portal appears. Out of the portal steps a wizard holding a staff. Instantly, Ali goes to the man and welcomes him to the inn, saying it is an honour to have him there.
- The wizard, introduced later as Sage Fidès, asks for a detailed account of the events. Yamira and Roenick provides most of the information, with Arladon mentioning his discovery of the second diary. Sage mentions having seen a sacrificial site that looks similar to the one found to the east of Hana's house. He then takes a close look at Roenick's finger.
- "This is similar to the mark of Xemus," he says. The mention of the name of the dark god makes everyone in the room feel faint. "That was not necessary," notes Ali. "It is," says Sage, "to make sure everyone understand the gravity of the situation." He goes on to explain that the properties of Roenick's injury are quite similar to the mark carved on servants of the dark god by his avatar (often taking the shape of a black panther). Sage says that the only person able to cure Roenick completely would be Yasmina, the diva of the city of Tiras Lynn. In the meantime, he can numb the injury so it stops festering. Roenick also shares his vision and Arladon gives the second diary to the wizard.
- Yamira asks what are the next steps. Sage says they need to continue looking for the other sacrificial sites. In the meantime, he has much to research. He also mentions that he knows of at least three locations that could match the images of Roenick's vision. He says that he'll try to check on each and see what he finds. He promises to be back shortly with his findings.
- The groups disband.
Harmony 22 to 29, Year 810
- After two visits to the sacrificial site, Yamira isolates herself in her laboratory and starts working on a device to detect the pulses of energy emitted by the two white marks. She finally creates a contraption made of a white sunstone suspended in a frame, that shines when detecting the energy transmitted by the white marks. She gives the apparatus to Roenick.
- Roenick continues to go through his mentors' things (progress = 38% done). He also goes to the library and meet the staff, trying to find a way to access the restricted books.
- Arladon takes this time to brake in two more times in his father's office. He notices that the place has been tidied. During one of these break-in, his mother discovers him and chastises him. He talks his way out of it. During these days, Arladon notices that his father is extremely nervous and he gives the impression of being scared of someone to whom he might be reporting.
- Bard uses his time to talk with old friends and acquaintances of the Red Shield. He discovers that all the captains who demonstrated a loyalty or compassion for the Queen are being dismissed. Many of those loyal to these captains are also being replaced. Some find themselves in the cells of the Diamond, while others are disappearing altogether. During one night of his investigation, Bard succumbs back into drinking.
Harmony 30 to Apogee 1, Year 810
- Arladon, Bard and Roenick travel west, following the direction provided by the Yamira's sunstone. Roenick notices that as he gets further away from Telstar, his nightmares are fading, but as they seem to be approaching the next sacrificial site, they increase in intensity.
Apogee 2, Year 810
- After spending the night sheltered on the side of a high cliff, the group starts moving once more. The sky is gray and a light rain is falling. After going over a hill, they spot an abandoned guard tower on the horizon. It seems to be aligned with the direction they are going and the group suspects this might be their destination.
- As the group starts walking again, they are ambushed by spiders. Like the foxes and crows encountered near the first sacrificial site, these giant spiders are tainted. The group defeats the three spiders, and continues toward the tower.
- As the group nears their destination, they notice something on the platform of the guard tower. Arladon goes forward to investigate, while Roenick and Bard stay hidden. It turns out that a undead devil was guarding the place. It turns invisible and jumps down, charging Bard. The group quickly gets over their initial surprise and turns the battle around, eventually defeating the undead devil.
- As the dust of the battle settles, a magnificent winged creature with the body of a lion descends upon them.
Main Quests
The Abandoned Guard Tower ( COMPLETED): Find the 2nd sacrificial site located in the Forest of Wishes.
Side Quests
- The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, including his sojourn to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas. Complete tidying house (38% done). Investigate secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
- Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house. Roenick is now acquainted with the people at the library. 2nd option is to visit the library in Var Galdin.
- The White Finger (Roenick): Figure out what is the nature of the infection that is eating up at his finger. Sage Fidès mentioned it is similar in properties to the black mark of Xemus.
- The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
- The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
- The Red Shield (Bard)( COMPLETED): The changes in the Red Shield is due to the Emperor replacing anyone not completely loyal to his cause.
- Nephythys' medallion (Bard): Meet with Tuntau, a sylvan elf living in the Forest of Wishes, to empower medallion.
- The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so. Discovered that his father is scared of someone.
- All: +50 XP for completing "Abandoned Guard Tower"
- All: +5 XP for defeating spiders.
- All: +15 XP for defeating undead devil.
- Roenick: -2 HP permanently drained by undead devil.
- Bard: +15 XP for completing "The Red Shield" side quest.
- Bard: +1 Wisdom due to actions (rolls).