05. The First Guardian
Date: 2019-06-04
Players: Chris, John, Tim
Characters: Arladon, Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Asa (lammasu), Tuntau (sylvan elf)
Background Information
The more they learn about the sacrificial sites, the more it becomes apparent that the city of Telstar has been targeted once more. The nature of the danger is yet unclear, but there is no doubt that something powerful is prowling around the mother city of Tilia.
After defeating the undead devil protecting the second sacrificial site, Bard, Roenick and Arladon are approached by a magnificent creature. He calls himself Ara and he is willing to offer what help he can.
Apogee 1, Year 810
- Ara introduces himself as one of two guardians tasks with protecting the Lake of Stars and the city of Telstar. He had been keeping a close eye on the group's progression and is curious to know about their mission. Roenick explains their goal and what they have found so far. Ara says he will return and leave the group do their investigation.
- Arladon and Roenick decide to go to the top of the tower, while Bard stays below to investigate on the ground. The top of the tower offers a scene similar to the one found in the cave north of Hana's house: the dry blood of sacrifices covers most of the platform, surrounding a stone altar. The sight is hard to take in.
- Roenick is having difficulties approaching the altar, as pain shots out from his injured finger. Thus, it is Arladon who finds an invisible chest behind the altar. On the ground below, Bard finds a huge gash in the ground, similar to a cut, reminiscent of the one found on the wall of the cave. In the deepest part of the cut, white puss festers.
- As they try to open the chest, Roenick and Arladon set off a trap. A fire blast pushes them backward: Arladon falls on the platform while Roenick falls off the tower. Luckily, Bard was below to soften the fall.
- In the explosion, the chest was thrown on the ground. Roenick picks it up to find it empty. After looking around, the group finally comes across a diary; not unlike the one already found.
- Asa rejoins the group. He shows them a second cut; this one pointing directly from where the group came from. It is easy to assume that it points to the first sacrificial site. The next conclusion is that the other gash points to yet another site, further south. Asa looks at the diary and says he may be able to figure out its secret. He offers to do so while the group goes west to find Tuntau, the sylvan elf. Asa asks the group to share with Tuntau what they have found so far, and tell him to notify Foucault, an elf prince, of what is transpiring. When Roenick mentions that Sage Fidès came to visit them in Telstar, Asa recognizes the name and says he is glad to have such an ally on their side. The group leave the lamassu behind and goes west.
Apogee 3, Year 810
- After crossing the Grand Road (which goes south, toward Val Gardin), the group encounters a camp of goblins. They try to go around it but are finally intercepted by a smaller detachment. Before fleeing, one of the goblin blows a horn that alarms the main camp of the presence of the group. As they flee further west, Bard, Roenick and Arladon know it is only a question of time before the main force of goblins catches up to them. Then, suddenly, everything becomes silent.
- A single sylvan elf appears ahead of them. He asks the group about the purpose of their visit in his woods, letting them know that they are in his debt, as his archers are responsible for stopping the goblins. When Bard flashes the medallion around his neck, the elf finally smiles, introduces himself as Tuntau, and offers his welcome to the group.
Main Quests
The Second Diary ( COMPLETED): Find the second diary.
Side Quests
The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, including his sojourn to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas. Complete tidying house (38% done). Investigate secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house. Roenick is now acquainted with the people at the library. 2nd option is to visit the library in Var Galdin.
The White Finger (Roenick): Figure out what is the nature of the infection that is eating up at his finger. Sage Fidès mentioned it is similar in properties to the black mark of Xemus.
The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
Nephythys' medallion (Bard): Meet with Tuntau, a sylvan elf living in the Forest of Wishes, to empower medallion.
The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so. Discovered that his father is scared of someone.
- All: +25 XP for completing "The Second Diary"
- All: +10 XP for defeating goblins.
- All: +2 Aura for aligning themselves with Asa.
- Arladon: +1 Aura for not wanting to attack the goblins if it is not required.
- Arladon: +1 Agility due to actions (rolls).