08. The Cracked Sword
Date: November 12, 2019
Players: Chris, Tim
Characters: Arladon, Bard
Other Personas: Tuntau (sylvan elf, leader), Celmina (sylvan elf, healer), Elcaut (sylvan elf, tracker), Aridius (sylvan elf, bower), Tirrianne (dryad), Tyrie (sylvan elf, warrior), Saris (sylvan elf, archer)
Background Information
The attack on the Sanctum of the Five is still raging when Bard links with his destinea tree and discovers that the source of the attack is located south. With Arladon, he leads a small group of elves (which includes Celina and Elcaut) to go investigate.
Apogee 4, Year 810
- The group enters the wood, lead by Bard. It is now dusk, and the sun is low, reducing visibility. Bard is the only one incapable of seeing in the dark, and Elcaut comes to the front with him, helping him. Before doing so, he gives two enchanted arrows to Arladon, to add to his quiver. As they get closer to the source of disruption, Bard feels more and more uncomfortable. Celmina can also feel a disturbing force ahead. Knowing that the battle is still raging at the sanctum, the group decides to continue. Still, Bard takes a moment to commune with his destinea tree and asks that it conveys their purpose to the dryad and sends what help it can.
- Further, as Bard communes with nature to insure they are following the right path, he learns that the entrance to a cave lies ahead and that it is guarded. Certain that whatever they are looking will be found in that cave, they proceed, in a new formation (Bard and Tyrie in the lead, Arladon in the shadows, Celmina following close by, with Elcaut and Saris in the back, bows ready). As they reached the entrance, they are surprised when a mound of roots and branches becomes alive and attacks. After a long fought battle, the group is victorious, and proceed into the cave.
- At the bottom of a long and large corridor, the group finds what looks like a small laboratory, with a table, a fire pit and a circle of sand on the floor. In the middle of the circle, a short sword rests, and from a crack in its blade, a ghost floats above, agitated and in obvious torment.
- Arladon offers to get a closer look, while the others fan out around the room. As he approaches the blade, the ghost becomes even more agitated. Arladon notice an insignia on its vest and although he can't place it, he knows he had seen it before. Thinking his presence might be causing additional pain, Arladon turns his back to the ghost to retreat... as he does, the ghost charges forward and enters Arladon.
- Celmina calls to the Mystic Nephythys for help, and succeeds in pushing the ghost out of Arladon. As soon as the ghost is free, the group engages. At one point, Bard decides to strike the blade on the floor. As he does, it seems to weaken the ghost, but Bard's own sword is blackened in the process. Shortly thereafter, the group defeats the ghost and sets it free. It bows thankfully before dissipating.
- Bard takes a closer look at his sword, now resting on the floor. Whatever black substance touched it ate through the blade completely, rending the weapon useless. He then looks at the short sword in the middle of the room. From the crack on its blade, something feasters. Celmina says that it is a very dense source of evil. The group looks quickly around (the table is covered with an amalgam of strange paraphernalia, including scrolls and books, tubes and flasks, and the fire pit is now inert), before deciding to return to the sanctum.
- At the sanctum, the rest of the elves from the camp have caught up and the battle is now over. Somehow, the presence of the ghost and its link with the blade created a chaotic force pushing the elementals to burn and destroy. Tirrianne thanks the group, especially Bard and Arladon. She unlocks the remaining powers of Bard's medallion. She also thinks that whatever happened in that cave is related to what is now happening around Telstar. She urges Tuntau to offer what support he can to Bard and Arladon.
Main Quests
The Cracked Sword ( COMPLETED): Defeated the ghost and protected the sanctum.
Side Quests
The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, including his sojourn to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas. Complete tidying house (38% done). Investigate secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house. Roenick is now acquainted with the people at the library. 2nd option is to visit the library in Var Galdin.
The White Finger (Roenick): Figure out what is the nature of the infection that is eating up at his finger. Sage Fidès mentioned it is similar in properties to the black mark of Xemus.
The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
Nephythys' medallion (Bard)( COMPLETED): The dryad Tirrianne unlocks the remaining powers of Bard's medallion.
The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so. Discovered that his father is scared of someone.
The Ghost's Insignia (Arladon): Determine the roots or meaning of the insignia seen on the ghost of the cracked blade, at the Sanctum of Five.
- All: +20 XP for completing "The Cracked Sword".
- All: +10 XP for defeating the living mound.
- All: +10 XP for defeating the wailing ghost.
- Bard: +25 XP for completing "Nephythys' Medallion".
- Bard: +1 Reputation with the Rangers of Léatha.
- Bard: -1 HP drained by the ghost.
- Arladon: +5 Reputation with the Rangers of Léatha.
- Arladon: -10 HP drained by the ghost.