09. Return To Telstar
Date: January 21, 2020
Players: Chris, John
Characters: Bard, Roenick
Other Personas: Yamira (wizard), Kali Azra (innkeeper), Ali Azra (retired innkeeper), Hana (little girl)
Background Information
After freeing the Sanctum of the Five, Bard and Arladon heads back toward Telstar.
Apogee 4, Year 810
- The Rangers of Léatha, lead by Tuntau, lead Bard and Arladon back to the main road. There, a portal appears and Roenick steps out, reuniting with the group. Tuntau announces that the Rangers are not going any further, but that the group is welcome back anytime. As a sign of their support, they offer leather armours and boots to Arladon, Bard and Roenick. For Bard, they also gift one of their capes, made of ocean's silk, that makes him an official member of the Rangers.
Apogee 5, Year 810
- After trying to contact Asa using the ring provided to Bard, the group makes their way to the second sacrificial site, hoping to find the lamassu there. He isn't. After waiting for several hours, all the while trying to make contact using the ring, the group decides to head back to Telstar.
Apogee 9, Year 810
- The group finally reaches Telstar, and makes its way to the Inn of Ali Azra. There, they are welcomed by Kali, who leads them in to the back room, where Yamira and Hana are waiting for them. The day goes by with the different parties exchanging information.
- Roenick: Informs that Sage instructed them to do what they could to cleanse the different sites. The Master of the Synod is worried that the sites are designed to somehow imprison Telstar. Roenick also mentions that another city, Tiras Lynn, seems to be under similar siege.
- Bard/Arladon: Mention that the rogue fire elements at the Sanctum of Five and the cracked sword and ghost found there are somehow linked with the sacrificial sites.
- Yamira: Informs that the site to the north seems to have awakened about 4 or 5 days ago. After investigation, she says that the nature of power for the sites is mystical, or godlike, but is unable to determine its source. She has been working on a device to collect emanations and help make that identification. The device is almost ready.
- During the exchange, Yamira suggests a connection between Asa's disappearance and the awakening of the sites, as if a protection around the city has been broken. She then runs out, to which Hana says this is normal and that Yamira has most likely gone to consult with Ali Azra.
- While Yamira is away, Kali comes in and asks the group if they came across Kébra in their travels. They say no. He mentions that he has not seen her for a while, and is worried. He then leaves.
- Yamira returns with Ali Azra, who confirms that Telstar is protected by two guardians: Asa and a gold dragon, living in the mountains to the east. He shows his hands, and on a finger, he has a similar ring to the one given to Bard by Asa. Bard asks when was the last time Ali spoke with Asa. The elder says not for many years. He tried the ring before coming to see them, and got no answer. Ali then goes on by saying that Telstar is the City of Light. Yamira opposes this strongly, saying there is no proof that the City of Light even exists. Ali brushes this aside, saying he is doing as he was asked, provide his opinion. For the answers they seek, the group would need to go to Var Galdin, King's Town, or get in touch with someone like Onthar Alvin.
- At night, everyone returns home. Roenick continues to go through his mentor's stuff (+25% to completing clean up). He founds a name: Zlaz. His mentor was either trying to learn about or meet with this individual. Arladon goes to research the ghost insignia. Bard goes to his place, clean up and goes to sleep.
Apogee 10, Year 810
- Bard and Roenick meets up with Hana at the inn. Yamira comes not long after. She finds a symbol on the wall, drawn, and then erased, by Hana. She scowls Hana and asks Roenick to use a simple spell to detect magic. He does and cancels the spell rapidly, as the emanations from the symbol are so strong as to be blinding. Yamira says that without knowing what these are, Hana cannot continue drawing them everywhere.
- Yamira demonstrates her device: a crystal ball that absorbs auras and changes colours based on the aura, from white (good) to black (evil). It can keep emanations for up to three days, after which they dissipate.
- The group (Bard, Roenick, Yamira and Hana) decides to go to the site to collect a sample of the emanations, in the hope that discovering its nature might help determine how to cleanse the site. They stop at Arladon's house, but there is no answer.
- They leave their horses at Hana's now abandoned house. There, Roenick notices that the symbol drawn a while ago by Hana in the dirt is still present. It is different than the symbol in the inn. Hana says that she simply invents these each time. Roenick takes the opportunity to make a copy of the symbol on paper.
- Further north, the group stops on the top of a hill when Bard notices black wisps on the horizon. Hana saw it as well. A heavy haze seems to have fallen over the region, even though it was a sunny day. The mist seems unnatural. Yamira creates a sphere of protection against evil around the group. Bard kneels as commune with nature, learning that a strong and evil force emanates from the site to the north.
- When they get to the valley leading to the cave, the group is intercepted by a corrupted bear and ravens. The group defeats the animals and gets ready to climb into the cave.
Main Quests
Return to Telstar ( COMPLETED): Returned to Telstar and shared discoveries with Yamira.
Side Quests
The Mentor's Secret (Roenick): Investigate Saldoras' life, including his sojourn to Shalème and the reasons why he would not join the Synod of Magikas. Complete tidying house (63% done). Investigate secret lab in the Dragon's Forest.
Joining the Synod (Roenick): Complete the tests to join the Synod. If successful, Sage promised Roenick that he would make arrangement for him to meet Yasmina, who will heal his finger.
Symbol in the Dirt (Roenick): Research the strange symbol drawn by Hana in the dirt in front of her house. Roenick is now acquainted with the people at the library. 2nd option is to visit the library in Var Galdin.
The White Finger (Roenick): Figure out what is the nature of the infection that is eating up at his finger. Sage Fidès mentioned it is similar in properties to the black mark of Xemus.
The Ranger (Bard): Find out what happened to the ranger who had a camp east of Hana's house.
The Family Signet Ring (Bard): Find out the history behind Cilia's family ring, as well as its powers.
The Land Owner (Arladon): Find out what Arladon's father did to the farmers to make them hate him so. Discovered that his father is scared of someone.
The Ghost's Insignia (Arladon): Determine the roots or meaning of the insignia seen on the ghost of the cracked blade, at the Sanctum of Five.
- All: +20 XP for completing "Return to Telstar".
- Roenick: +5 Reputation with the Rangers of Léatha.