Name: | Arladon | Player: | Tim Tremblay | Hidden Notes: |
Origin: | Tilia | Race: | Birth Date: |
Description: | Arladon is the son of Barlador and the half-elf Erlaya. Barlador is the owner of a few lands outside of Telstar and recognized as low nobility. Thus, Arladon had an easy upbringing, being spoiled as an only child. Not especially brave, Arladon still has a rebellious side and has been known to break the law following a dare. |
Level: | 7 |
XP: | 300 |
Aura: | +2 |
Traits (XU: 2)
5 | Intelligence (+1 Magic Dmg/2 Int; +1 CR/6 Int) | 6 | Strength (+1 dmg/2 Str;+1 AR/6 Str) |
3 | Will (+1 Crit spell/6 Wil; +1 Spd Cast/8 Wil) | 11 | Agility +5 (+1 Evas/4 Agi; +1 AR/6 Agi; +1 Spd Att/8 Agi) |
5 | Wisdom (+1 Evas/4 Wis; +1 Crit attack/6 Wis) | 6 | Endurance (+2 HP/End; +1 SP/2 End) |
4 | Mana (+2 MP/Man; +1 SP/2 Man; +1 CR/6 Man) | 5 | Charisma (+1 loyal follower/6 Cha) |
75 | HP | 46 | MP | 23 | SP |
15 | AR | 17 | CR | ||
20 | Critical Hit | 20 | Critical Spell | ||
+1 | Speed Attack | 0 | Speed Casting | 3/2 | # attacks |
0 | Evasion | 8 | Surprise | +3 | Damage |
Item | AR | Speed | Dmgs | Notes |
Iron Dagger | 15 | 1 | 4 | Dmg 4 |
Ash Arrow (x11) | 11 | - | 4 | Dmg 4 |
Elm Short Bow | 11 | 3 | 6 | Dmg 2 |
Elven Short Bow | 11 | 3 | 8 | Dmg 4 |
Entangle Arrow +2 (x2) | 11 | - | 0 | Earth (Terrestris), Cone 5'x15'x15', 1h or when retracted |
Silver Arrow +2 | 11 | - | 15 | Dmg 15 |
Techniques (x8)
Ability | SP | Notes |
Backstab | 1 | Req: Weapons: 1-Handed | Dmg x3 |
Dodge | 1 | Evasion +10, Evade att from 1 opponent |
First Blood | 2 | Req: Weapons: 1-Handed | Initiative 1 + weapon spd |
Shot: Aimed | 1 | Req: Weapons: Bows and Crossbows | AR +10 |
Shot: Burst | 2 | Req: Weapons: Bows and Crossbows | #att x2, dmg 50% |
Shot: Deadly | 2 | Req: Weapons: Bows and Crossbows | Dmg x3, Attack last |
Spells (x14)
Head [ Beret ] | ||
Hands and Wrists [ Leather Gloves ] | Body [ Ranger's Armour +2 ] | Neck [ - ] |
Hand 1 [ Elven Short Bow ] | Back [ - ] | Hand 2 [ - ] |
Ring 1 [ - ] | Talisman [ - ] | Ring 2 [ - ] |
Legs and Feet [ Ranger's Boots +2 ] |
Item | Notes |
Beret | HP +6 |
Leather Gloves | Evasion +1 |
Ranger's Armour +2 | Earth (Terrestris), HP +18, Evasion +4, Surprise +1 |
Ranger's Boots +2 | Earth (Terrestris), Evasion +2, Surprise +1, Indestructible, Comfortable |
Copper Pieces: 0 | Silver Coins: 0 | Gold Pieces: 2 | Platinum Pieces: 0 |
Item | Notes |
Lock Picks (x4) |
Talents (XU: 0)
Ability | Notes |
Ambidexterity | # attacks +1, Extra attack half dmg |
Evasion: Improved | Evasion +5 |
Health Points: Improved | End HP bonus x2 |
Skills (XU: 1)
Ability | Notes |
Armours: Light | [ ] |
Armours: Medium | [ ] |
Weapons: 1-Handed | [ ] |
Weapons: Bows and Crossbows | [ ] |
Abilities (XU: 4)
Ability | Notes |
Bower/Fletcher | [ AGI +0 ] |
Climbing | [ AGI +0 ] |
Gaming | [ CHA +0 ] |
Mount Riding | [ WIS +0 ] |
Orientation Sense, Outdoors | [ INT +0 ] |
Pick Locks | [ AGI +5 ] |
Singing | [ CHA +0 ] |
Sneak | [ AGI +5 ] |
Swimming | [ END +0 ] |
Traps: Small | [ AGI +0 ] Req: Toxicology |
Lore (XU: 5)
Ability | Notes |
Etiquette | [ INT +0 ] |
Knowledge: Heraldry | [ INT +0 ] |
Language: Common | [ INT +5 ] |
Guild/Group | Reputation | Guild/Group | Reputation |
Rangers of Léatha | Honored (+10) |
+1 Agility: (05. The First Guardian - From experience (rolls))
+1 Attack Roll: (Agility)
+1 Attack Roll: (Strength)
+12 Health Points: (Endurance)
+4 Health Points: (08. The Cracked Sword - Level 6->7)
+1 Health Points: (07. The Tree of Destiny - Level 5->6)
+18 Health Points: (Slot: Body - Ranger's Armour )
+7 Health Points: (01. The Missing Boy - Level 1->2)
+8 Health Points: (Talents - Health Points: Improved )
+6 Health Points: (04. The Abandoned Guard Tower - Level 3->4)
+6 Health Points: (Slot: Head - Beret )
+7 Health Points: (02. The Bloody Diary - Level 2->3)
-10 Health Points: (08. The Cracked Sword - Drained by ghost)
+8 Health Points: (05. The First Guardian - Level 4->5)
+5 Magic Points: (05. The First Guardian - Level 4->5)
+8 Magic Points: (Mana)
+4 Magic Points: (01. The Missing Boy - Level 1->2)
+7 Magic Points: (04. The Abandoned Guard Tower - Level 3->4)
+4 Magic Points: (02. The Bloody Diary - Level 2->3)
+5 Magic Points: (07. The Tree of Destiny - Level 5->6)
+5 Magic Points: (08. The Cracked Sword - Level 6->7)
+2 Stamina Points: (04. The Abandoned Guard Tower - Level 3->4)
+1 Stamina Points: (01. The Missing Boy - Level 1->2)
+4 Stamina Points: (02. The Bloody Diary - Level 2->3)
+2 Stamina Points: (Mana)
+1 Stamina Points: (07. The Tree of Destiny - Level 5->6)
+4 Stamina Points: (08. The Cracked Sword - Level 6->7)
+3 Stamina Points: (Endurance)
+2 Stamina Points: (05. The First Guardian - Level 4->5)
+1 Aura: (07. The Tree of Destiny - For defending the Sanctum of Five)
-2 Aura: (Based on background)
+3 Aura: (05. The First Guardian - For joining forces with Asa and caring for goblins)
+2 Evasion: (Agility)
+2 Evasion: (Slot: Legs and Feet - Ranger's Boots )
+1 Evasion: (Slot: Hands and Wrists - Leather Gloves )
+1 Evasion: (Wisdom)
+5 Evasion: (Talents - Evasion: Improved )
+4 Evasion: (Slot: Body - Ranger's Armour )
+1 Surprise: (Slot: Legs and Feet - Ranger's Boots )
+1 Surprise: (Slot: Body - Ranger's Armour )
+3 Damage: (Strength)
+1 Speed Attack: (Agility)
+35 Experience Points: (05. The First Guardian - Level 4->5)
+60 Experience Points: (02. The Bloody Diary - Level 2->3)
+40 Experience Points: (07. The Tree of Destiny - Level 5->6)
+40 Experience Points: (08. The Cracked Sword - Level 6->7)
+70 Experience Points: (04. The Abandoned Guard Tower - Level 3->4)
+55 Experience Points: (01. The Missing Boy - Level 1->2)
+2 Damage Magical: (Intelligence)
+5 Reputation: (08. The Cracked Sword - Rangers of Léatha - Protecting the Sanctum of Five)
+5 Reputation: (07. The Tree of Destiny - Rangers of Léatha - For defending the Sanctum of Five)