Magic: Nature

This type of magic is the specialization of druids, rangers and those serving mother nature, Nephythys.

Information List

Communion: NatureLVL: 1, MP: 10, Once/12 hoursEarth (Terrestris), MP +10, 3 subjects
Destinea: CalmLVL: 8, Req: Destinea Tree, MP: 4, Speed: 2Earth (Terrestris)
Destinea: CureLVL: 4, Req: Destinea Tree, MP: 4, Speed: 10Earth (Terrestris), HP +40, SP +10
Destinea: EvocationLVL: 8, Req: Destinea Tree, MP: 4, Speed: 10Earth (Terrestris), +10 MP / min, unlimited
Destinea: GuidanceLVL: 8, Req: Destinea Tree, MP: 4, Speed: 20Earth (Terrestris), 10mins
Destinea: OnenessLVL: 16, Req: Destinea Tree, MP: 25, Speed: 20Earth (Terrestris), Unlimited duration
Detect: AnimalLVL: 1, MP: 5, Speed: 10Earth (Terrestris), 1h
Detect: PlantLVL: 1, MP: 5, Speed: 10Earth (Terrestris), 1h
Speak with AnimalsLVL: 1, MP: 10, Speed: 10Earth (Terrestris), 1 hour